

Sēo lifere is līflic līcdǣl þe is on hrycgdēorum and sumum ōðrum dēorum. Hēo hafaþ brāde brǣdu woerca, befōnde unǣttrunge, ǣglīmtimberes untimbrunge, anfd þā forþbǣru līftimbra for fōdanmeltunge. Sēo lifere is ful nȳdmicel to lifigenne; þǣr nis nū nān wīse tō bētenne þā æfweardnesse þǣre liferan.

Þis līcdǣl wyrceþ hefige on clēofenaweorcinge and hafaþ manig weorc in þǣm līce, befōnde swēteltimbera settunge, ge þǣre rotinge rēadra līfclēofena blōdes, blōdwæteres ǣglīmtimbera untimbringe, līcforðienda forþbǣru, and unǣttrunge. Hēo ligþ unber þǣm midhrife in þǣm brēoste. Hēo wyrceþ geallan, asclic gebundenness þe helpaþ fōdanmeltunge, þurh þone wǣtinsettunge ela. Hēo ēac dēþ and gefadaþ grēate missenlicnesse grēatfyldigra līftimberlicra eftweorca þurfende swīðe ānliceted flǣsc, befōnde þā untimbrunge smealra and manigfealdra gemota, þāra manig sind ful nȳdmicel for gewunelicum līflicum weorcum.[1]

  1. Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-981176-1. OCLC 32308337. 

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